Official Project Launch Workshop

The youth citizen participation project in actions to fight agaist climate change was officially launched this Monday, September 2, 2024 at the Dapaong youth center. The launching ceremony of this project which took place in the presence of local authorities aims to reinforce the values of volunteerism among young people and to generate in them more commitment to community civic actions.

This project follows the participation of the winners in the IVLP program, International Visitor Leadership Program, a program of the American Department of State which offers scholarships to young Africans in order to strengthen their capacities on issues of development and public-private partnership through cultural exchanges on American territory. For this year, Mr. YENTCHALE Yendouban is the young man who represented Togo in this program.

The implementation of the project will extend over four months and will be implemented in two municipalities in the Savanes region. Thus, the environment will be the main area in which young people will be led to carry out these civic and voluntary actions to eradicate the effects of climate change. To do this, the capacities of young people, particularly students and teachers, will be strengthened with real skills in environmental matters.

Indeed, it is essentially a question of supporting students in carrying out activities to promote school arboretums in order to create potential habitats for reconstituting both plant and animal biodiversity. For their part, teachers will be trained in the implementation establishment of school gardens with the aim of increasing nursery production and reforestation.

The other part of the project will concern mass awareness raising at the level of the five targeted schools on good attitudes towards environmental protection. This mainly concerns the behaviors to adopt for better resilience to the effects of climate change. All these activities will be supported by radio broadcasts for better education in the culture of citizenship and volunteering.

It should be noted that the launch was attended by various personalities. These are the secretary préfet of the prefecture of Tône, Pirénéwè Esso, the 3rd deputy mayor of the commune of Tône 1 Lorimpo Gaëtan Tchabli, heads of decentralized state services, cantonal heads, young people, civil society organizations among others. The local authorities initially welcomed the dynamism of the winner Yentchale Yendouban before calling on all stakeholders to actively participate in achieving the objectives assigned to this project.

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Projet participation citoyenne contre les changements climatiques :les enseignants formés sur leurs rôles et responsabilités

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